Derniers articles
Une sélection d'articles récemment ajoutés et publiés directement sur le site de la Commission européenneJourno Portfolio

Here's How to Write Your Long-Form Blogs The Right Way
I worked with a deck building company in Wisconsin to create highly engaging, informative long-form blogs. Learn how I created the blogs what it takes to make your blogs successful.

The Complete Guide to Cooking With CBD
A guide created for Joy Organics on the basics of cooking with with CBD.

Sickeningly Sweet Jam Simulator
Lead Designer Team size: 9 3D walking sim about getting a good review before your jam store goes out of business

Why Your Idea Deserves to be Written
Let me tell you a secret: every romance novel idea deserves to be written. Yes, even yours.

A Love Secret I got admission to study a course with double honors (Physics and Education). I loved education so much and excelled in all my education courses, but the reverse was true for physics. I
Love is a powerful force and makes all the difference. But perhaps if we can't do what we love, we can learn to love what we do.

The evolution of journalism: introducing social media
Journalism is a rapidly changing industry. Though many argue it is a failing field, as audience behaviors evolve, the nature of reporting evolve with them.

En Irlande, un projet transfrontalier mêle technologies immersives et tourisme littéraire
En Irlande, le projet N-LITE, développé par la Western Development Commission (WDC), révolutionne le tourisme littéraire en intégrant la réalité virtuelle et augmentée. Ces technologies immersives offrent des expériences inédites et durables pour les amateurs de culture.

Invity | Singapore-based longevity supplements and skincare brand
Landing pages, product pages, blog content, video scripts, EDMs, press releases

Queens Pride 2024 Brings Vibrant Diversity to NYC Streets
New York City's fabulous first LGBTQ+ Pride event of the season kicks off in Jackson Heights, Queens.

Landing page copy for Feminine
Overwhelmed with understanding your menstrual cycle and ovulation? You're not alone. Millions of women struggle to understand their bodies too. Feminine goes beyond period and ovulation tracking, offering solutions for all delicate issues relating to women's reproductive health.

Goodbye Dr. Sanchez
Level Designer role that included designing unique mechanics per level and designing those level themselve

A Year In Tulsa Remote: It's a Wrap. Or Is It?
Our year in Tulsa Remote ended in February of 2024. Are we done here now?